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Stacie Balkaran will take over as editor of Minneapolis Labor Review in March

From the Minneapolis Labor Review, February 28, 2025
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MINNEAPOLIS — In late March 2025, Stacie Balkaran (they/them) will join the staff of the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation, AFL-CIO as the new communications director and editor of the Minneapolis Labor Review. Balkaran brings a strong background in political communication, organizing, education and graphic design to the team.

Balkaran earned an undergraduate degree from Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida and Master of Public Health from Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon.

Headshot photo of Stacie Balkaran
Stacie Balkaran

They have been a freelance illustrator and designer for the last several years, previously having worked with the ACLU. Balkaran moved to Minnesota from Washington, D.C. when their spouse accepted a role with the Hennepin County Public Defender’s office.

For the 2024 election cycle, Balkaran worked with the SEIU Minnesota State Council’s voter outreach phonebank.

“Already, Minnesota has been a lovely place to call home,” Balkaran said. “I am excited to commit my skills to strengthening and supporting the union worker community here. When workers come together and when their voices are heard, we have a chance at the rights and freedoms we deserve. It is an immense privilege to have the responsibility of offering workers and unions a place to be heard and seen. I look forward to finding new ways of getting workers to the table together. If you see me at a union event, come say hi!”

In their spare time, Stacie enjoys kayaking, hiking, cooking, birdwatching and making art. They live in Minneapolis with their husband and 11-year-old Chihuahua mix named Potato Chip.

Contact Stacie Balkaran beginning March 17 at 612-379-4725 or e-mail [email protected].