The Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation, AFL-CIO is the umbrella organization of Minneapolis area local unions and includes 175 affiliated unions representing over 75,000 working people.
Affiliated with the AFL-CIO, the MRLF's mission is to organize in the community for social and economic justice for all working people.
The MRLF organizes in Hennepin, Anoka, Carver, McLeod, Meeker, Scott and Wright counties in Minnesota.
Our offices are located at United Labor Centre — 312 Central Avenue, Suite 542 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (612) 379 - 4206
MRLF Affiliates
MRLF Retiree Organizations
Executive Board
Chelsie Glaubitz Gabiou, President
Marcia Howard, Executive Vice President
Dan McConnell, Financial Secretary-Treasurer
Jeff Heimerl, First Vice President
Joe Rian, Second Vice President
Ternesha Burroughs, Register Clerk
Annette Davis, Deputy Register Clerk
Cabbas Abdi, Recording Secretary
David Stiggers, Sgt.-at-Arms
Grace Baltich, Reading Clerk
Uriel Perez Espinoza, Aaron Hill, Russ Scherber, Mary Turner, and Jigme Ugen, Trustees
Steve Johnson, Judy Russell-Martin, Chris Stinson, At Large
Leif Grina, Retiree Representative
Paul Madison, Constituency Representative
MRLF Staff
Chelsie Glaubitz Gabiou
Alfreda Daniels
Uriah Ward
Graeme Allen
Barb Boettcher
Stacie Balkaran

Communications Director and Labor Review Editor
Communications Director and Labor Review Editor
Stacie Balkaran
Mary Hampton